Interested in printing your own calendars in Lightroom, using your own images?
These calendar templates that can be used in the print module of Lightroom to create calendars using your own images. They are available in jpg-versions (in 12 different languages) as well as a fully layered psd files that can be used to create your own unique calendar templates with different fonts, colors, etc (in any of the 12 languages).
The idea behind these were first described in a great article in 2011 by Matt Kloskowski at Lightroom Killer Tips: Lightroom Presets – Calendar Print Templates.
The original templates/presets are done by Ed Weaver and Matt wrote a very informative article on how to install and use the presets in Lightroom. Go and check it out!
ISO standard calendar templates and new ISO paper size presets
Making my own West Greenland pagaj
Ed’s original calendars were “American style” with weeks beginning on Sundays and only in English.
These templates are based on the ISO standard calendar, that is, weeks begins with Monday. I’ve also included week numbers according to ISO standards.
The below listed packages contain the calendar templates for 2025 (from 2023, two different layout sets are included: 1) the ordinary classic font size and 2) a layout with smaller fonts for dates). Just download and use directly in Lightrooms print module using Ed’s print presets! For some additional (and ISO paper size) presets, see below.
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Catalán
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Danish
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in German
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in English
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Spanish
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Finnish
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in French
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Italian
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Dutch
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Norwegian
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Portuguese
- Lightroom Calendar Templates in Swedish
Matt’s article gives great information on how to install and use the templates and presets!
Each package includes jpg-files that can be used directly in the presets described in Matt’s article (US sized presets). For ISO-sized paper presets, see further down…
Don’t like the font? Want a different colours in the templates? Want to make your own unique calendar templates?
Read on…
Photos: Ursula I Abresch
The above calendars are examples of different customisations done with the layered template files. Text fonts, text size, text placements, background colours, more or less anything can be customised using Adobe Photoshop.
Get the fully layered psd-file! Each day, date, background colour, etc is placed on a separate layer making it easy to change colours, font style, font size, etc to create your own calendar templates with your unique look.
Download fully layered calendar template psd file
Each text element (date, weekday, month, etc) is placed on separate layers making it possible to change font style and font size without the need to realign their positions. Modifications in the fully layered files require some basic Photoshop skills (working with layers, change of fonts, etc). The templates have been created in Photoshop CS5 and work in Photoshop CC as well.
The following font is used in the original template file: Geo Sans Light (may be needed to be installed separately).
I’ve posted a description on how to modify the calendar templates using the master psd-file.
Download the presets and templates, make your own unique template design if needed and print some beautiful calendars!!!
ISO paper size presets
I’ve also made some new Lightroom print presets for the ISO paper size A4. Both the two Ed provided in letter format (‘1 month’ and ‘Full Year’) as well as two additional. These are ‘1+2 month’ presets, showing a head month as well as previous and coming months (in smaller size). One is for vertical aligned images and one for horizontal.
Download Lightroom Calendar Print Presets (A4 paper size)!
Note that print margins are dependent on printer type, the presets might need adjustments to fit with the printer you are using.
The calendar templates follow the same size and aspect ratio as for the US-sized presets, so they work well with both the presets described in Matt’s article as well as the ISO-sized provided here.
Comments, questions or feedback? Please let me know by dropping a comment below or writing a message in the contact form!
Finally, many thanks to a great friend for letting me use some of her images in above examples:
- West Kootenays/British Columbia/Canada based Ursula I Abresch, an art photographer whose creativity and photographic eye always inspires.
Muchisimas Gracias Thomas. Llevo ya 3-4 años creando mis calendarios con sus plantillas. Son geniales. Gracias a usted he podido hacer esto. Siempre espero con ganas ver las siguientes plantillas del proximo año. Gracias por esto que hace por sus lectores.
Thank you very much Thomas for the presets. Great job.
Thank you
I just learned about the templates from Victoria B. It looks like it is only available to put a large photo above the calandar page. Is there any way to indicate on lthe individual calendar days whose birthday it is? and even put a picture on that date square? I know you can do this in Shutterfly and it is an nice effect if you give our the personalized calendar as a gift.
Jim, the calendar templates provided in the zip are as you noted just jpg-image files. YOu can use any editing software to mark individual dates as birhtdays or include small pictures. This will require some basic editing skills and software like Photoshop or similar, Lightroom or these basic image files that I have provided do not have functionality like Shutterfly to prepare the calendars. You could try the Print Module in Lightroom and see if you can place smaller images above the calendar templates where you want them. I have not tried it myself. If you are proficient in Photoshop I provide the fully layered template master file as a psd-file and instructions on how to edit it. See link above.
I downloaded the templates for the 2018 calendar, unzipped the folder and tried to import the folder into the Lightroom Presests folder (Windows 10). For some reason LR does not see the templates. I also did a copy of the folder to the LR presets folder. but again, LR does not see them. Would you be able to offer any suggestions? I appreciate your time.
Hi Jim. The basic calendar templates are only image files for the different months (January, Februrary, March,… etc). They should not be imported or copied to the preset folders. You import them into Lightroom as ordinary images and use them in the Print Module with your own images to create calendars that can be exported or printed. Check out the Ed Weaver link above for more detailed instructions.
Hey Thomas, your calendar templates are awesome, thanks a lot for making them available, great job!
Have a nice christmas!
There was a small spelling mistake in the Dutch version of the templates that I corrected today. New versions of template files and master psd-file are uploaded! Thank you Herman for noticing and letting me know!
Very much appreciated… thank you kindly. Happy New Year!
Hi Thomas,
thank you so much for the fantastic job you are doing with these templates every year; there is a graphic mistake also on the Italian calendar: the accent on the Friday is heading the wrong way (should be Venerdì, like all the other days).
How do you generate those “tables” in PS? do you use a script? I am asking because I am looking for a calendar template that include a small rectangle of previous and next months, and so far your calendar is what I like most.
Any chance you would implement it? Or any suggestions how I could implement this feature?
Thanks again!
Thank you for the feedback, the graphical/spelling mistake has been corrected. I will send you a personal mail regarding the other issue and see if we can solve it. But basically I have built the table/grid using lines and rectangles in PS. So no script, just detailed work :-)
Thank you so much for sharing this psd file. Wonderful of you to do that. That fact that I could add a language to it is very exciting. Unfortunately our calendars here in the United States start on Sunday. I attempted to see if there was a way to set the start day,, but didn’t find anything. Is there a chance that it is there and just needs to be turned on? I am doing calendar in the Nimíipuu language for my friends. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks again
Reggie Polfer
Cuba City, Wisconsin USA
Hi Reggie
Unfortunately the psd-file is not easy to change to have the weeks start with a Sunday. This is the original reason for creating this template, since all I found were American and started on Sundays :-).
Check out Ed Weavers site that is linked in the article above, he had American style templates created before. If they can be edited or not to a new language I do not know.
thomas, llego a tí por intermedio de Carlos, gracias, gracias, te pasaste sos una masssaaaaaa, thanksssssssss
Thanks for the calendar templates, Thomas.
They are very useful and customizables.
Juan from Spain.
Muchas gracias Thomas!!
Just thank you for your job
Thank you very much for selflessly sharing your work.
Muchas gracias por compartir los calendarios :)
Muchas gracias!!!!
Thanks you very muchs for your work
Gran trabajo.
Muchas gracias.
Muchísimas gracias por compartir tu creatividad y tu valioso trabajo.
He llegado a tí a través de Carlos Oliveras, de Photoshopeando.
Un saludo desde el sur de España.
Thank you Thomas! Very useful templates
Como el comentario de María José yo también “he llegado a tí a través de Carlos Oliveras, de Photoshopeando” .Gracias a tu trabajo; he podido realizar un calendario que ha tenido mucho éxito entre mi familia y amigos. Que el 2020 te sea muy propicio y con mucha salut. Un abrazo.
Like María José’s comment, I also “have come to you through Carlos Oliveras, from Photoshopeando”. Thanks to your work; I have been able to make a calendar that has been very successful among my family and friends. May 2020 be very conducive and salute. A hug.
That’s amazing man…
Thanks for all this work Thomas. Unbelievable!
eskerrik asko zure lanagatik . mil ezker.
Muchas gracias Thomas. Un saludo desde Galicia.
hola Thomas, muchas gracias por compartir tu tiempo con nosotros. Un saludo
Thomas, mas que agradecido con tu trabajo, fue de gran ayuda, te felicito..!!! Un enorme abrazo desde Neuquen Patagonia Argentina.
muchas gracias thomas, esta genial tu pagina…..saludos desde CHILE :)
No es habitual que las personas entreguen su esfuerzo en forma gratuita.
Nuevamente Gracias
Me alegró que son útiles
Thank you one more year for mantaining these awesome calendar template! You’re making a lot of people happy. I’ve already edited and re-posted the usual yearly post informing people that the new templates are available.
Take care!
Thank you Carlos for spreading the word. Glad they still come to use!
Than You very much Thomas. Greetings from Mexico.
Glad you like them Ramón! Cool to see them used in Mexico as well!
Muchas gracias Thomas!!!
Thank you Thomas one year more for the calendar.
Muchas gracias Thomas !! Son de mucha utilidad para mi!
Gràcies Thomas. Un any mes aprofitarem el teu calendari. Es un regal que cada any esperem. Salutacions desde Barcelona.
Moltes gracies, Thomas. S’ha d’agrair molt que encara avui algú comparteixi el seu temps i el seu esforç. Novament: GRACIES !!!
Thank you very much for sharing your work.
Tack för dessa mallar/ Owe Olssn
Hola Thomas ?♀️
Muchas gracias por las plantillas. Quiero hacer un calendario personalizado con ilustraciones propias. así que me viene de maravilla. Un afectuoso saludo desde Canarias.
Hola, Thomas
He fet servir les seves plantilles de psd en català i tinc un meravellós calendari
He llegado a tí a través de Carlos Oliveras, de “Photoshopeando” .Gracias a tu trabajo, he podido realizar un calendario que ha tenido mucho éxito entre mi familia y amigos. Que el 2021 te sea muy propicio y con mucha salut. Un abrazo.
Hello, thank you for your valuable contribution, will you have the 2022 templates available?
Hi Luz
I plan to provide templates for 2022, I should get started with those I guess? Thank you for the reminder!
hey! big thanks for writing this! are you planning to do a 2022 as well? just can not wait to see :D I am making my first calendar, both in Swedish and in US English.
It is my intention to provide templates for 2022 as well. Time to get starter…
Hi. Thank you for your work. Do you plan to update it for the year 2023?
Hi David
Yes I plan to make updates for 2023, I’ve started to get request and reminders so time to get started and getting them up on the site.
Thank you one more year, Thomas! I just posted on my site to let people know about your new templates.
Great work! Have a very nice Christmas, and a happy New Year! Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
Hi Thomas, thank you very much for your attention. Have a Merry Christmas and a good year 2023, from Madrid, Spain
Moltes gràcies per aquest magnific treball
Muchas Gracias por tu aporte
Feliz año nuevo
Muchisimas gracias por tus calendarios.
Te deseo un magnífico 2.023
Un abrazo, desde Málaga
Gracias por el calendario!!!
Hi Thomas.
Thanks for again also posting the data set at the usual spot.
Wish you a peaceful holiday season and a happy christmas.
Best from Munich.
Cheers, Joern.
Hi Thomas!
Hey! One more year there! Thank you so much for your excellent work :
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
Muuuuchas gracias
Muchísimas gracias por tu trabajo y por compartirlo con todos nosotros, además de estar muy bien; aún quedan humanos que nos hacen la vida un poco más fácil. Un saludo Thomas
Muchas gracias por las plantillas.
Thanks so much for the templates.
Muchas gracias, Thomas por compartir tu tiempo y conocimientos.
Tusen takk for maler til kalender :-D
Many thanks for your 2025 templates.
I use them every year to make personalized calendars for my family.
Thanks so much for your 2025 templates,
I use them every year to make personalized calendars for my family and friends.